
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Best (and Fastest) Way to Learn Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a branch of Machine learning and is something which I am hoping to master as soon as possible. I would have preferred to study it in a real university but due to lack of funds, I'm going the self-study route via online courses and books. When I first started on my Deep Learning self study journey, I started learning from the mathematical foundations because I read in many places that it was a good place to start and it made sense - deep learning at its foundation is really mathematics so why not start from the foundation and build upon that knowledge? I found a "mathematics for deep learning" curriculum online then went on youtube and started watching various videos on the topics in the curriculum - probability, statistics, calculus etc At first I really wanted to go deep with this foundation because I appreciated how important it was to thoroughly understand these foundations if I wanted to be an excellent machine learning engineer. Unfortunatel...