
Showing posts from December, 2022

Top 50 Greatest Games and Top 50 Most Popular Games of all Time (According to chatGPT)

Image generated using AI (Stable Diffusion)   Since I discovered the GPT-3-based chatGPT , I have become addicted to it and have so far resisted the urge to fill this blog with chatGPT posts but my resistance seems to wane with every successive interaction so I can't say how long I will be able to resist. I have interacted extensively with the model and, like many other people , have been completely blown away, especially when I remember what AI-generated content looked like few years ago when I used GPT-2 to generate a weird version of the 12 days of Christmas .  I have even attempted to hack or sidestep some of the baked in rules and content safeguards of chatGPT and so far my results have been a mix of successes and failures but my greatest win was when I finally got it to actually write code for various computer viruses and trojans (shhh don't tell anyone). This article, though, is not about hacking chatGPT but about another subject with also tickles my fancy: games. I wa...