Full COVID-19 Dataset for Nigeria Broken Down By State (CSV and PDF)

I recently joined a small project to produce an easily accessible COVID-19 dataset for Nigeria broken down into states.

It all began while I was trying to find COVID-19 datasets for Nigeria broken down state by state, I realised that the only one available was in PDF format which makes it more challenging to extract just the data.

I pitched the idea of a small project to extract the datasets from the PDF to CSV files to the nice folks at NG44 and they graciously agreed to support the project with funds.

To be clear, we are not generating the data per se. That credit goes to the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC). 

What we are mostly doing is manually extracting the data from the original PDF file format in which they are published into the more useful CSV file format and put it up on github.

Github Link:

Here's the shortlink to the dataset on github: https://bit.ly/covidnigeriadata


This dataset contains the official daily data for COVID-19 cases in Nigeria broken down by state. To our knowledge this is the most complete COVID-19 dataset for Nigeria at this time.


We worked on this dataset because as budding data scientists, we couldn't find a suitably up to date and accessible dataset for COVID-19 and Coronavirus cases in Nigeria broken down by state to aid data scientists, statisticians and machine learning enthusiasts and experts in their analysis and search for solutions.

Although the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) generates and publishes this data, it does so in PDF form which is not an easily accessible medium for automated methods and common data extraction libraries.


The original data is provided by the NCDC at https://bit.ly/covidncdc
The work being done by us is to extract the data from the PDF files into CSV format.
We tried to automate the extraction process using python (pandas with selenium and beautifulsoup) but did not succeed.

So we ended up doing it manually. And this means we have to keep updating the files manually (See the start of this write-up for the date of the most recent update.)

Folder Information

When you unzip the zip file, the structure of the folders are:
  • /PDF
  • /CSV
Each of these folders contains the daily pdf and csv files placed in separate folders for each month.
The /PDF folder contains the original PDF data files downloaded from the NCDC website.
The /CSV folder contains the extracted daily data in CSV format. Each day has a separate file. The CSV files are named according to their date in the following format: dd_mm_yyyy.csv

Missing Dates:

There was no published data for some of the days so there are no datafiles for those missing dates which are:
  • 20 March 2020
  • 27 March 2020

Data Source:

Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) https://ncdc.gov.ng/ Direct link to data page: https://bit.ly/covidncdc


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Contact Us

For feedback send email to covid19data @ ng4n.com


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